
Hello Friends,

it is clear that time waits for no one; it is a limited resource. So we decided that it’s "TIME" to share news and updates on how we are and what we are up to these days


We have been living in Berlin for almost 7 seven years, and we have found a vibrant community. This city has an international vibe and invites friends and family to visit. All our children live here as well, and we enjoy them regularly around family dinners.


For the past three years, we have been creating animated videos with a team based in Canada, highlighting the historical background of the books of the bible. 

Monika has since picked up storyboarding, illustrating, and animating most of the published videos. Joseph assists as a creative director and on social media/branding. Each video is published and translated into over a dozen languages, we have seen constant growth in viewership and impact.

She just finished the Introduction to the Gospels video for The Bible Effect (TBE). 

Joseph could transition from Zoom meetings to travelling again and teach face to face on worldview, creativity and intercultural communication, since the travel restrictions loosened after Covid. He also continues to mentor and service branding and design. 

Berlin has wonderful locations where he can meet people and process, mentor or encourage.

We’ve had and have a reasonably busy autumn.



Many have heard us share the plan to own a house in southern France. We sense that we need to begin to take steps toward this goal. Email me to be added to the mailing list if you want to be informed about this endeavor.

Would you partner with us?

Our primary work is with the Bible effect, a ministry of Youth With A Mission (YWAM). All YWAM volunteers raise funds for their needs. 

May we invite you to consider partnering with us? All gifts and Donations will go towards our monthly needs, like housing, food, and insurance. 

If you partner with us, you can do so as a one-time donation or prayerfully consider a monthly amount to give. Join us to see lives impacted as we reveal God’s Love and purposes in their lives. Thank you for considering to partner and give. Please do so in freedom and in the trust you have in us. 

Support Monika through her GoGlobal account:

Empfänger/Recipient: GoGlobal e.V.
Kreditinstitut/Bank: Fidor Bank AG
IBAN: DE36 7002 2200 0020 1774 38
Vermerk/Note: Projekt 1124MA + Name und Adresse* des Auftraggebers/Spenders 

*bei der ersten Überweisung Adresse mit in den Vermerk schreiben für die Spendenbescheinigung. Only donors resident in Germany can receive Tax deductible receipt.

Please use the link below to give if you live the US.


Please Use this code: GG3910 – 1124 Monika AvakianUSA

*Donations from countries other than Germany, will not receive any Tax Deductible receipts. 

Support Joseph & Monika directly:

Empfänger/Recipient: Joseph Avakian
Kreditinstitut/Bank: N26
Vermerk/Note: partnering with avaks

USD account details.
Account holder: Joseph Avakian
Routing number: 084009519
Account number: 9600000000180391
Account type: Checking
Wise’s address: 30 W. 26th Street, Sixth Floor, New York, NY 10010, United States

Or donate directly via PayPal
(not tax deductible!)